All Apple fans look forward to this day. Around this time, every year, we get a big announcement from Apple via one of their special events. The fall special event has become known for announcing the next iteration of Apple's flagship product, the iPhone. The iPhone has become the most beloved and … [Read more...]
The iPad Mini 3 Is Here Too
After announcing the new iPad Air 2 with A8X processor and TouchID, Apple also gave the iPad mini some love, which lasted about 10 seconds. The iPad mini 3 got a few seconds of stage time and maybe a slide or two showing what's not new. Apple didn't update the iPad mini 3 or so it looks like. … [Read more...]
iPad Air Vs iPad Mini 2 With Retina Display Vs iPad 2 Vs iPad Mini [Comparison Chart]
With Apple now having more iPad models than you can shake a stick at things can get pretty confusing. The current iPad lineup now includes the iPad Air, iPad 2, iPad Mini and iPad Mini with Retina display. The iPad 2 is meant to be the "budget" 9.7-inch iPad or sorts and comes with modest specs, … [Read more...]
This Is The New Retina iPad Mini 2, Also Check The New iPad Accessories
After unveiling the iPad Air, next up was the iPad Mini 2. Although a lot of people didn't think the iPad Mini would get a Retina display, it indeed did! One of the first talked about features was the Retina display the iPad Mini 2 comes with at 2048 x 1536, but of course only at 7.9 … [Read more...]
What 2012 iPad Should I Buy? A iPad 4th Gen Or The iPad Mini?
The tablet world is continuing to grow and Apple is at the front of it at full steam ahead. But one question that is now beginning to be asked is ‘What latest iPad should I buy?’ Well to start with, size matters! A lot of users use the iPad Mini as it is a fantastic mobile tablet thanks to its … [Read more...]
iOS 6.0.1 Firmware For Cellular iPad Mini And iPad 4th Generation Now Available From Apple [Direct Download Links]
The iPad Mini and iPad 4th generation Wi-Fi models went on sale November 2nd, but the cellular versions are yet to see the light of day. According to Apple's online store, the Wi-Fi + Cellular versions of the iPad Mini and 4th generation iPad should be delivered in 2 weeks. Apple released iOS 6.0.1 … [Read more...]
Official iPad Mini And 4th Generation iPad iOS 6 Firmware Now Available For Download [Direct Links]
The iPad Mini and iPad 4th generation will only be available starting November 2nd, but Apple has already released the official iOS 6 firmwares for the devices. We're not sure why Apple did this, but it's nice to find out the build number before the products are already out. The firmwares are … [Read more...]
The Official Comparison Chart: iPad Mini vs iPad 2 vs iPad With Retina Display
Apple released more products today than you can shake a stick at, and we could not be more excited. On the iPad forefront we got the iPad Mini and of course the 4th generation iPad. With the addition of the iPad Mini to the iPad family it means you now have three options when considering whether to … [Read more...]