For awhile there things were looking pretty bad for the state of the iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak and even Jailbreaking as a whole. Over the last few weeks however, it looks like prominent developers such as Planetbeing and Pod2G have begun spending more time looking into the Jailbreak and have made … [Read more...]
[UPDATED] Pod2G’s ‘podDJ’ Turntable App Launches January 12th, Doesn’t Contain Hidden Backdoors Or Cats [VIDEO]
Turns out Pod2g's passions aren't only hacking and security research--Pod2g, also known as Cyril Cattiaux, has been developing a program for the iTunes App Store with the help of designer Thientam Bach, which was just revealed as "podDJ." The app is billed as "the most realistic virtual turntable … [Read more...]
Reports Of The iOS 6 Jailbreak’s Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated, According To Pod2g
If you are an avid jailbreaker, you may have been concerned by the lack of a iOS 6 untethered jailbreak and by the reports you've been reading over the past couple months. One recent story is the #weWantAnOpenIOS trend that Pod2g started on Twitter, as a prompt for Apple to provide developers with a … [Read more...]
Pod2g’s #weWantAnOpenIOS Is Trending On Twitter–Users Want Tweaks And Mods In iOS
If you didn't have to jailbreak your phone to apply tweaks and UI mods, well, I'd be out of a job. Aside from that one contingency, jailbreakers are clamoring for a more 'open' iOS from Apple--one that will allow for developers to sell tweaks--as third-party jailbreaks have yet to … [Read more...]
Pod2G Discovers A Severe iOS SMS Flaw “Never Trust Any SMS You Received On Your iPhone At First Sight”
Hacker Pod2G developed the first iOS 5.01 Untethered Jailbreak and more recently has been known for being one of the head figures behind the iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak. Today Pod2G has taken to his blog to alert the community to a flaw he found in iOS that he considers to be extremely … [Read more...]
Pod2G: 1080p Apple TV Jailbreak Would Work If There Was A Way To Inject The Files
A few days ago we told you that Pod2G successfully Jailbroke all iOS devices including the iPhone 4S and the new iPad Untethered on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware. The only iOS device that was not currently Jailbroken was the new 1080p Apple TV (Apple TV 3G). This is because the surface area to exploit on … [Read more...]
How To: Install GNU Debugger (GDB) On The iOS 5 Firmware Generation [Developers Only]
Hacker Pod2G has recently tweeted that he has written instructions on how to get GNU Debugger (GDB) working on the iOS 5 firmware generation. In case you do not know what GNU Debugger is, it essentially allows you to see what is going on 'inside' another program while it executes -- or what another … [Read more...]